
Minotaur China Shop Released

Minotaur China ShopThe much-anticipated long-awaited latest Minotaur-based crockery, retail & anger management sim from Flashbang Studios is now available through their Blurst games portal.

Simply jump to the above link, install the Unity Web Player when prompted and play.

When you’re done, check out their other masterpieces, such as the fabled Veliciraptor Offroad Safari, then have a ganders at RPS’s interview with Flashbang where Steve Swink explains the design process behind the game.

Could you even imagine living your lives without knowing such delicious morsels as…

As the game evolved from “weird gummy minotaur ragdoll thing smashing stuff” to “actual designed gameplay” we began adding in elements like moves, upgrades, and combo systems. The end result is sort of a blend of Diner Dash, Hedgehog Launch, and Hulk: Ultimate Destruction.


By Andrew Bryant

The resident PC elitist fanatic enthusiast, Andrew’s grim outlook on the industry provides CNS with a hefty dollop of its news content. Oh, and he has managed to convince Barry to let him review stuff too!

Hilarity ensues!

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