
Epic Mickey is Epic!

Most people scoffed at Warren Spector when he said his next game wasn’t going to be Syst3m Shock, Deus Ex: Visible War, Tea-Leaf or Ultima Deeper Underground, but rather a game featuring the Mouse from the House that was only going to be released on the Wii. We’ve all been impressed by the concept art […]

PS3 Wii XBOX 360

Sonic 4 official – fanbase wees self.

Project Needlemouse has been revealed and it’s cleverly titled ‘Sonic the Hedgehog 4’ What we do know: It’s console bound (all 3 main platforms, with motion control for Wii & PS3 via SIXAXIS) It’s 2D It’s *the* official sequel to Sonic 3/Sonic & Knuckles Green Hill Zone features (incl. Mobius Loops) It’s episodic Sonic is […]

Nintendo 3DS/DS PC PS3 Wii XBOX 360

Ryo’s Back…

Industry News Nintendo 3DS/DS PC PS3 PSP Wii XBOX 360

PAX 2009 Trailers

Never before has a post title so essentially decided the tags I attach too it! PAX 2009 has just finished and, swine-flu not-withstanding, it was a success. There’s a metric ass-load of trailers after the cut, some of which require you to prove that you were born on January 1st, 1900…  You have been forewarned!

PC Reviews Wii

Tales of Monkey Island: Launch of the Screaming Narwhal Review

Andrew Bryant, Mighty Pirate™, returns to the Caribbean to tackle a new Monkey Island game!

Industry News Nintendo 3DS/DS PC PS3 Wii XBOX 360

Because it ain’t just about the comics no more – SDCC trailers

It seems these days that every expo under the sun is suitable for showing off the latest trailers for games – when the Call Centre Expo in the Brimingham NEC starts showing off the latest 360 releases, they can pay me royalties or something for calling it! Regardless, hit the jump for footage from the […]

Nintendo 3DS/DS PC PS2 PS3 PSP Wii XBOX 360

Ghostbusters (literally) half-baked

Think the EU Sony-exclusive cluster fuck that is Ghostbusters: The Game couldn’t get any worse? It just did…

Arcade Industry News Nintendo 3DS/DS PC PS3 PSP Wii XBOX 360

E3 Round-up

With the 2009 Electronic Entertainment Expo is now in the past, lets have a look at the highs and the lows of the event… Nintendo made so many waves with the Wiimote 3 years ago, it’s surprising it’s taken Microsoft & Sony so long to get comparable technology out there, but this years E3 will […]

PC Wii XBOX 360

OMG OMG OMG OMG! (or ‘How Andrew got really excited about new Monkey Island stuff’)

There isn’t a lot in the world that simultaneously makes me wee and crap my pants…  This very nearly was one of those moments! Anyway, E3 this year is just getting better and better, with both the afformentioned Monkey Island re-release now confirmed for PC as well as XBLA and, in a completely left-field move, […]

Industry News Nintendo 3DS/DS PC PS2 PS3 PSP Wii XBOX 360

Sony poach (PAL) Ghostbusters – Bad Times

Mere weeks from release, Sony has decided that the imminent Blu-Ray release of the original Ghostbusters films didn’t have enough of a marketing push, therefore they have thrown a hefty chunk of cash towards the as ever terminally-strapped-for-cash Atari. The result = Platform exclusivity for the PS3 & PS2 (with the PSP coming along later) […]