PC Reviews Uncategorized

Review: Subsurface Circular

Publisher: Bithell Games Developer: Bithell Games Format Reviewed: PC Provided By: Purchase by Reviewer Price: £4.79/$5.99   Very few games make the act of conversation exciting. While many games have dialogue, they use it only to support the overall narrative or to justify the main source of gameplay. They use it as a tool and ignore the possible […]


‘I built that’ – Engineer TF2 update imminent


New U(I) – Valve Beta test revamped Steam interface

We all love Steam… Too a PC gamer, its the electromagical love-child of a best friend (because everyone else hates us because we’re apparently evil pirate ninja cowboys) and that nice local storekeeper who used to give you lollies when you were younger (yes, him – no, not his bitch wife who actually hated the […]


Sparky – Rocket Knight Reboot Concept Art

Rocket Knight Adventures was a good Mega Drive game, often quoted when discussing platform greats (alongside other memorable offerings as Gunstar Heroes).  There’s a reboot coming (as is the trend these days) and here’s some concept art for it… HD-licious! Thanks D-toid.


Making TF2 fun again! – Crafting announced, Soldier/Demoman rivalry

It’s WAR… The Demoman & Soldier have been getting a little too friendly lately.  What with the Administrator being a bitch and stuff, she has initiated the WAR update.  Since Friday, the two classes have been at each others throats, slowly adding to a omnipresent counter with each successive exploderised body part.  Too the victor, […]


Because @thezombiecow sumbliminally told us too post this…

RT @thezombiecow: TGP and BTDT are now available through Steam  …. yay! 34 minutes ago from TweetDeck

Industry News PC XBOX 360

LEC vents Steam – old (and some not-so-old) releases on Valve’s Content Delivery System

After much much much much teasing, LucasArts have finally let fly with what they’ve been drip-feeding us over the July 4th weekend… A partnership with Valve Software’s Steam platform to bring a plethora of LEC software both old and, well, not that old at all, too the masses.


“Thanks fer standin’ still, wanker!” : TF2 Sniper Update

Hot on the heels of the Scout & Heavy updates, themselves not inconsiderable, comes the latest TF2 update, this time catering for everyones long-range homicidal maniac. Valve are selling this update as the biggest yet, including… multiple new maps and a bunch of gameplay tweaks Not much more information yet, but there is word that […]

Industry News PC

Is Imitation the greatest form of Flattery?: GFW:L copies Steam

Don’t worry, Microsoft hasn’t bought Valve (*phew*).  Rather, Microsoft have used the GDC to announce a shedload of functional changes to their red-headed stepchild of a PC games platform.  Basically aping what others have been offering for a while now, hit the jump to find out just what can be had on other services!


Killing Floor goes commercial

Tripwire Interactive have announced that the popular Unreal mod, itself based on their Red Orchestra modified Unreal 2.5 engine, will be released on Steam (and, presumably, other digital platforms) in the near future. Whilst not specifically developed by Tripwire themselves (who are beavering away on an as-yet un-announced project), they are providing support to the […]