Industry News Mac

Macworld 2009 Live-Blogging

I miss the bite-markWe’re not an Apple fanboy-site, but these bloody Macworld things always cause the Internet to grind to a halt as everyone fawns over the latest Apple consumer-good-with-built-in-obsolescence.

Who knows, there may even by some Apple gaming news of note, but I wouldn’t hold your breath – Macs are too cool for gaming!

GDGT has a live blog going down that updates every 30 seconds.

Oh, and any reports of Steve Jobs dying have been greatly exaggerated!

By Andrew Bryant

The resident PC elitist fanatic enthusiast, Andrew’s grim outlook on the industry provides CNS with a hefty dollop of its news content. Oh, and he has managed to convince Barry to let him review stuff too!

Hilarity ensues!

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