
DLC scandal #473795 – BioShock 2 DLC already on the disc?

It’s happened before (*cough* Resident Evil 5) and will likely happen many many times to come, but nobody likes paying twice for what they’ve already paid for.

Rumour, coupled with an incredibly small download for something that ‘includes’ 20 new multiplayer trials and 2 new playable characters, states that the content that costs 400 Microsoft Funny Moneys might have already been included on the disc.

Those dastardly miscreants!  Maybe this ‘DLC’ should be re-branded as ‘AICBWTWBBAI’ (or ‘Already Included Content, But We Thought We’d Be Bastards About It’)!

Still, there may be a benign reason for this, as 2K Marin may simply be trying to avoid splitting the community, ala Dawn of War 2 (itself recently receiving a mahoosive 2GB patch to bring parity with its expansion).

By including content, but simply putting it behind a paywall, non-DLC-buying users won’t have to worry about playing with gamers running stuff they won’t have…  Not that said players would hang around long if the extra weapon & plasmid upgrades tip the balance in the buyers favour.

But is DLC really a valid definition for this sort of practice?  I’ll bet my left nut it isn’t.

Source – CVG

By Andrew Bryant

The resident PC elitist fanatic enthusiast, Andrew’s grim outlook on the industry provides CNS with a hefty dollop of its news content. Oh, and he has managed to convince Barry to let him review stuff too!

Hilarity ensues!

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