If you bought Sim City at launch and struggled to play it due to the servers just generally being rubbish then you’ll have heard that EA were going to be offering a free game to make up for this.
This offer now also applies to anyone who buys the game before the 25th March and will entitle you to one of the following games (interestingly, it also includes Sim City 4, which many would argue is the superior game to Sim City).
- Battlefield 3 (Standard Edition)
- Bejeweled 3
- Dead Space 3 (Standard Edition)
- Mass Effect 3 (Standard Edition)
- Medal of Honor Warfighter (Standard Edition)
- Need For Speed Most Wanted (Standard Edition)
- Plants vs. Zombies
- SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition
It should be noted however, that if you do not redeem your free game by the 30th March you will not receive it at all. You should be receiving an email from Origin about the offer and how to redeem shortly.