
UT3 gets Steamworks love ahead of Bonus Pack

UT3 - Ultra Testosterone FREE!!!
Do you own a copy of the red-headed stepchild of multiplayer FPS games that is UT3?

Is that a ‘yes’ I hear?

Then, assuming you don’t mind being unable the sell the game on (which is something I’d assume you’d have already done if you hated it with the sort of bile CliffyB rightly deserves), open your Steam client, skip to the My Games tab and tap its CD key into the ‘Activate a product on Steam’ dialog box and enjoy.

This news from Valve preceeds the massive imminent bonus pack (remember those, before Epic started kissing Microsoft and nickle-n-diming everyone?) which comes complete with achievements, new features and massive improvements to a shedload of features which really should have been up-to-scratch from day 1.

Valve’s words after the cut.

In preparation for the massive update coming for Unreal Tournament 3, those who own a retail copy may now register it with Steam, free of charge.

The latest installment in the legendary online action series from Epic will be updated automatically via Steam and introduce support for Steamworks Achievements (with over 50 Achievements), plus a host of new features and enhancements in AI, Server Browsing, Demo Recording, Mod Support, and more.

To register your retail copy on Steam, simply click the main menu option ‘Games’ and select ‘Activate a product on Steam’ from within the Steam client.


By Andrew Bryant

The resident PC elitist fanatic enthusiast, Andrew’s grim outlook on the industry provides CNS with a hefty dollop of its news content. Oh, and he has managed to convince Barry to let him review stuff too!

Hilarity ensues!

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