Industry News Nintendo Nintendo 3DS/DS Nintendo Switch

Nintendo Will Host Livestreams and Tournaments at E3 in Addition to Online Presentation

Nintendo at E3 will not just stop at video press conferences, but will also do livestreams and tournaments to show off new Nintendo software. Right after the conference Nintendo will host its Live Treehouse stream June 13 (9:30 a.m. – 12:30p.m. Pacific Time), June 14 (10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.), and June 15 (10: a.m. […]

Nintendo Nintendo 3DS/DS Nintendo Switch

Pokemon Nintendo Direct Overview

The Pokemon Nintendo Direct came out this week and showed the future of Pokemon for 2017. Lasting only 8 minutes, the Pokemon Direct was snappy and to the point. For those who have not watched it, here is what will come out 2017.   Pokken Tournament DX Coming to Nintendo Switch September 20, 2017, Pokken […]

Nintendo 3DS/DS

Happy September 29th day – Nintendo releases 3DS details

Nintendo have announced that the 3DS will hit Japan on February 26th, costing ~¥25,000 (~$300/£190 in real money). The US & presumably the EU will be getting the console approximately a month later, although prices are just conjecture at the moment. More information as we get it. In related news, Kotaku covered Nintendo Con here.