Mac PC Reviews

Plants Vs. Zombies Review


Mac PC

Guitar Hero extends World Tour: PC & Mac dates added!

If that namby pamby Audiosurf doesn’t cut it or that iPhone rip-off just screams ‘dis-respect’, then fear no more, for Aspyr & Activision have announced Guitar Hero: World Tour for PC & Mac, due in the summer. No word on whether you definitely need a new proprietary controller or whether Xbox/PS3 ones will be compatible, […]

Mac PC

Independent Game Rush – Braid, The Maw, DHSG news

Lots of sudden indie news out there… Firstly, Braid is coming to the PC via. Steam, Impulse and (unless I missed the announcement) a further un-named service (probably Greenhouse, see below) for the sum of $14.99/£9.99/€12.99 on March 31st (well, that’s the Steam date anyway). In addition, Hothouse Games, of Penny-Arcade Adventures fame, are handling […]


Raptor Copter for iPhone Released

Flashbang Studios have released the semi-sequel to the acclaimed Off-Road Velociraptor Safari for the iPhone via the Apple Store for an introductory price of $0.99/£0.59. Once again using the versatile Unity player, the goal is to collect raptors using your personal Chinook and deposit their corpses into teleporters for future consumption.  Stats are tracked via […]

Industry News Mac

Macworld 2009 Live-Blogging

We’re not an Apple fanboy-site, but these bloody Macworld things always cause the Internet to grind to a halt as everyone fawns over the latest Apple consumer-good-with-built-in-obsolescence. Who knows, there may even by some Apple gaming news of note, but I wouldn’t hold your breath – Macs are too cool for gaming! GDGT has a […]